Thank you for considering donating to this search for their missing family. Their story has touched us here at Long Lost Families too.
TO DONATE PLEASE SUBMIT THE BELOW FORM. Min donation is £5. No maximum donation.
Don’t forget anyone can ask to be placed in the “CAN YOU HELP US FIND” frames on the home page free of charge. There is a maximum we can currently place on the website but we will add you to a list for later insertion.
Donations go to the selected individual on My Story. We don’t stop funds at a certain amount as a standard search may turn out to be an enhanced one. For example locating someone who has moved overseas, or where DNA testing may be necessary.
Any extra funds when a search is completed are accumulated into a central fund from which others in a similar situation can apply to access if they meet the verifiable criteria.
The minimum donation is £5. There is no maximum donation. Large donations can be accepted which can go directly into the central fund and will benefit those that appeal on My Story and are verified by Long Lost Families. Please state CENTRAL DONATION when you wish your donation to go straight into the central fund.
All funds received and their use will be verifiable within the legal accounting procedures governed by U.K. law.